

Schulstraße 5, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

🛍 Amerikanisch, Mittagessen, Burger, Fastfood, Tee

3.5 💬3163 Bewertungen


Genieße die köstlichen Angebote von Mcdonald's, einem charmanten Cafe im malerischen Schulstraße 5, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany. Mit einer Speisekarte, die vor Geschmack nur so strotzt, ist es ein Muss für jeden Feinschmecker. Mit einer hervorragenden Bewertung von 3.5 und unzähligen begeisterten Kritiken sind wir stolz darauf, ein unvergleichliches Essenserlebnis zu bieten. Mit 3161 zufriedenen Gästen versprechen wir ein Essen, das deine höchsten Erwartungen erfüllt. Für ein köstliches Essen zu Hause wählst du einfach, dein Online-Marktplatz für eine unkomplizierte Bestellung.



Alva Stokes
Alva Stokes

This place is a sky in the evening If you are in areelfingen where there are no much tourist places, you are probably boring But I was happy to hear about this mall from my hotel receiver. This is a place where you can go and have good time with your friends and colleagues The food is of various varieties veg Non veg and hindu not vegetarian (without pork and beef) The food is reasonable cost, but if you compare it or convert it into INR, it may seem expensive, I had a veg burger, finger chips and an iced tea all together for about 7 euros Pretty much value when you go in a group of friends

Mcdonald's Speisekarte 38 Optionen

Rufe +49711292370 für Fragen oder Preise an. Die komplette Speisekarte von Mcdonald's aus Stuttgart!

Alle Preise sind ungefähr.


Brandy Schuppe PhD
Brandy Schuppe PhD

I love McDonald's they are my number 1 place if I don't know what to eat, it's cozy, love the food, it's worth it.

Itzel Wuckert
Itzel Wuckert

Der Big Mc war gut...

Maryam DuBuque
Maryam DuBuque

It's a Mickey Ds what do you expect? They're the same everywhere. Same decoration, same food, same quality, equal everything and honest, you expect. If you visit a McDonald's, do not look for a high quality dinner or even a quiet or a good one. Just the same as the last times. Also only go here if they coupons otherwise there are better alternatives like the 5 guys

Lexus DuBuque
Lexus DuBuque

The burger was okay but the fries were extremely stale. In addition, the staff seemed very unfriendly.

Kirstin Davis DVM
Kirstin Davis DVM

I went there a bit late at 22h45 on Thursday 9 okt 2018, it was about to close (15min before closing time so i only could order what's available. That was 6 nuggets (2€ , a barbecue sauce (0.3€ roughly and a hamburger (1€ . They charged me 4.79€ for that, which doesnt quite add up. It was probably a mistake after a long day, but i was already out when i noticed, so i didn't go back and wrote this 2 stars review instead (not 1 star, because the food was pretty good anyway .

Dr. Amelie Casper
Dr. Amelie Casper

The place was not clean enough and one of the opaque windows of the toilet was broken. It was visible for the buildings on the other side of the road.

Angelina King
Angelina King

The slowest service I've ever experienced in a MC food chain.. also not very clean